Professor ZHU Xiaoxia from the University of Montreal, Canada, and Professor MA Pengcheng from the Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), visited the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), on July 24. During their visit, Prof. ZHU and Prof. MA each delivered a lecture.
In his lecture entitled Polymeric Biomaterials made from Natural Compounds, Prof. ZHU introduced his group’s progress in the application of functional polymer materials in biological medicine, including the preparation of bone replacement materials and degradable polymer materials from cholic acid. Prof. ZHU is a member of the Canadian Society for Chemistry and American Chemical Society. He has published more than 170 papers.
The title of Prof. MA’s lecture was Carbon Nanotubes/Polymer Nanocomposites-From Fundamental to Applications. He introduced functionalization of carbon nanotubes, their dispersion and characterization in solvent and polymers, preparation and application of carbon nanotube supported silver, application of multi-layer nanocomposite materials in engineering and environmental field.
Prof. MA has been engaged in the design and preparation of multi-functional polymer composite materials, surfaces/interface, relation between structure and performance of materials.
Professor ZHU Xiaoxia is giving a lecture.
Professor MA Pengcheng is giving a lecture.