Learning from Nature: interrogating snakes, fish and spiders for better sensing
Lecturer: Prof. Vladimir V. Tsukruk School of Materials Science and Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Time: 10:00AM
Date: October 26, 2010
Place:Second Academic Hall, 3rd Floor, Lihua Building
Introduction of the lecturer:
Vladimir V. Tsukruk received his M.S. degree in Physics in 1978 from the National University of Ukraine, Ph. D and D.Sc. in Chemistry in 1983 and 1988 from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He held post-doctoral positions with J. Wendorff (U.Marburg) and D Reneker (U Akron). Currently, he holds an appointment as a Professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a founding co-director of a new GT-Air Force Center of Excellence on BIONIC. He has co-authored 300+ refereed articles in archival journals, 20+ invited reviews and one book, co-edited three volumes, and holds four patents. He is ranked within top 1% highly cited researchers both in chemistry and materials with about 7000 citations. His research interests include nanosturctured surfaces/interfaces, molecular assembly and nano- and bioinspired materials. He is a Fellow, American Physical Society(2010) and is recipient of the Humboldt Research Award (2009), NSF Special Creativity Award (2006), NSF RIA Young Investigator Award (1994), Humboldt Fellowship(1990), Best Young Investigator Research Prize in Ukraine (1985), among others. He serves on the editorial advisory boards of Langmuir, ACS Appl. Mater & Interfaces, Polymer, Res. Lett. Mater. Sci., and Curr. Chem. Biology. He has organized eight international symposia and workshops, served as a Program Chair for Polymer Materials Division, ACS, and graduated about 40graduate students and post-docs who continue successful carriers in academia, industry, and national labs.
Look forward to your participation !