Abstract:Transition-metal catalysed C-N bond activation has attracted much attention and become one of the most promising bond disconnection and formation strategies that encompass a broad spectrum of applications in many reactions. In this tutorial review, efficient strategies for catalytic cleavage of C(sp)-N, C(sp(2))-N and C(sp(3))-N bonds and their applications in new C-C and C-N bond formation reactions are summarized. KeyWords Plus:PRIMARY ALLYLIC AMINES; CARBON-NITROGEN BOND; ANILINE DERIVATIVES; VINYL AZIRIDINES; RING-EXPANSION; BORONIC ACIDS; H CYANATION; CLEAVAGE; ARYL; AMIDES Published in CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS, 45 (5):1257-1272; 10.1039/c5cs00534e 2016