Lodz’s Researchers at LICP to Conduct Academic Exchanges

Maciej Psarski and Marczak Jazek

Doctor Maciej Psarski and Ph.D.candidate Marczak Jazek of the Department of Material Chemistry and Technology of the University of Lodz came to the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication of the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP) of the CAS to conduct academic exchanges on March 9. They were invited by Prof. LIU Weimin, director of the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication and would stay at the LICPfor about 2 months.

Maciej Psarski received his doctor degree from the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1998. Sponsored by the Bayer Foundations, he did postdoctoral research in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1999 to 2001. In 2004 he joined the Department of Material Chemistry and Technology of the University of Lodz. His major research interests include surface physicochemical properties and surface modification of polymers and polymer composites. Marczak Jazek is a Ph D candidate of the College of Material Chemistry and Technology.

During their stay in the LICP, they would carry out research on super-hydrophobic surface coatings with anti-wear and anti-erosion properties and anti-icing of the coatings with the Surface/Interface and Their Engineering Application Research Group of the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication.

The State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication has established a long term cooperative relationship with the Department of Material Chemistry and Technology. In 2010, Prof LIU Weimin visited the department at the invitation of Prof. Plaza, director of the department. During his visit, Prof. LIU gave a general introduction of the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication and made three reports entitled “Space Tribology in China”, “Nano Lubricating Addictives” and “Engineering Materials with Extreme Wettability” respectively.

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