Preparation Method of Capsules for Treating Peptic Ulcer Developed by LICP Researchers

A capsule for remedying peptic ulcer and its preparation method have been developed by researchers from Key Laboratory of Chemistry of Northwestern Plant Resources, CAS. They have received a Chinese invention patent for the technique on June 29, 2011. The patent is No. ZL200710018234.9.

The capsule takes Chinese medicinal plants of astragalus, angelica and so on as raw materials. Through the mixing of volatile oil extracted from raw materials, alcohol extract and water extract extracted from raw materials, the capsule is prepared. The weight of each capsule is 0.3g.

The capsule has efficacy of nourishing the essential Qi, warming the stomach, inhibiting acid, stopping pain, activating blood, remedying ulcer and preventing recurrence. The capsule mainly cures peptic ulcer of deficiency cold of spleen and stomach type, and the symptoms of the disease are that the stomach is pain and is indulging in warm and press or pains at night with pantothenic acid and vomiting bitter.

Guided by the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the invention prevents recurrence by regulating the whole function of the body. Moreover, it has introduced the latest achievements of modern medicine, namely no acid no ulcer and no helicobacter pylori (HP) no ulcer theory, into the preparation of the capsule. HP is inhibited to cure ulcer and to improve treatment effect. 

The components of the medicine are special and the mechanism is clear. The treatment effect is superior compared with similar products in symptom relief rate, HP negative rate and in particularly in ulcer healing rate. The course of the treatment is short and there’s no adverse or side effect. In addition, the raw materials used in the prescription are easy to obtain and cheap in cost.

Peptic ulcer is a kind of common and frequently-occurring disease. Based on the research into the causes of the disease, the western medicine for treating peptic ulcer mainly includes anti-acid, acid secretion inhibitors, proton pump inhibitors, etc. However, the causes of peptic ulcer are complicated and currently used western medicine can not combine all the above functions. What’s worse, the treatment course is long and the cost is high. And there’s also side effect and drug dependence. All of these have made the recurrence of the disease very high.

The treatment of diseases by TCM is via multi-approaches, with multi-phases and multi targets. In addition, there’s little or no side effect. Researches indicate that TCM has advantages in treating peptic ulcer, increasing ulcer healing rate and reducing recurrence. The symptoms of peptic ulcer of deficiency cold of spleen and stomach type are that the stomach is pain and is indulging in warm and press or pains at night with pantothenic acid and vomiting bitter. However, at present, there’s no very effective medicine or patents concerning the treatment of the above symptoms.

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