Professor ZHANG Haoli from Lanzhou University Delivers a Lecture at LICP

Professor ZHANG Haoli, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry of the Lanzhou University delivered a lecture titled Design and properties of new organic semiconductor materials at the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on April 6.

In his lecture, Prof. ZHANG introduced the design, synthesis and application of organic functional molecules, the development trend and problems needing to be solved in this area.

Introduction to Prof. ZHANG Haoli

Prof. ZHANG received his bachelor’s degree in organic chemistry from the Lanzhou University in 1994 and doctor’s degree in 1999 through the joint cultivation of the Lanzhou University and Peking University. He then did post-doctoral research in University of Leeds and Cambridge University. In 2004 he joined the Lanzhou University.

Prof. ZHANG’s research interests include the design, synthesis and application of organic functional molecules. He has published more than 110 papers in J. Am. Chem. Soc, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater. and Nano. Lett.. Several of his publications have been reported by NGP Asia Materials, Nature China, Chemistry World, etc as research highlight.

Prof. ZHANG was invited by the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication of the LICP.

 Prof. ZHANG Haoli is giving a lecture.


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