Fang Xin Visited LICP

   Prof. Fang Xin, member of the CAS Presidium, visited the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, on the afternoon of 13th May. Prof. Fang was accompanied by the director of the Bureau of Personnel and Education, Li Hefeng, chairman of the Labzhou Branch of CAS Presidium and vice-president of the Lanzhou Branch, Wang Xueding and member of the Labzhou Branch of CAS Presidium and vice-president of the Lanzhou Branch, Yang Shengrong during the visit. Prof. Fang visited the related laboratories along with the director of LICP, Liu Weimin, party secretary and vice-director of LICP, Zhao Xiuru, vice-director of LICP, Xia Chungu, and assistant director, Shi Yanping. 
   In the scientific research park, director Liu presented to Prof. Fang the construction and reconstruction of the scientific research park of LICP with the support of the CAS and Lanzhou Branch. In the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, director Liu especially introduced the development of China's first multi-functional experimental system for space tribology and the role it played in the project--Space Trial of Solid Lubricating Materials of the Application System of Shenzhou-7 Spaceship to Prof. Fang. Prof. Sun Jiayi explained the test specimens carried by Shenzhou-7 Spaceship and the device to Prof. Fang. Prof. Fang listened attentively and inquired the difference between the test specimens exposed to the space environment and those in the ground simulation environment and the causes of the difference. Prof. Sun answered Prof. Fang's questions in great detail.
   In the State Key Laboratory for Oxo Synthesis and Selective Oxidation, vice-director Xia Chungu and Prof. Chen Jing introduced the new and clean synthesis technology of trioxane and the transformation of glycerol into 1, 2-propanediol researched by the laboratory. In the Key Laboratory for Natural Medicine of Gansu Province, assistant director Shi Yanping acquainted Prof. Fang with the development goal, talent team, articles and patents of the laboratory and so on. He emphatically introduced the technical support of the laboratory for the local economic development by making use of the herbal resource superiority in Gansu province.
   Prof. Fang fully affirmed the scientific achievements LICP made under the implementation of the knowledge innovation program. She hoped that LICP would carry out the scientific outlook on development, actively implement the decisions and deployment of the CAS Presidium, make full use of its own characteristics and superiorities, raise the ability of independent innovation and eventually make greater contributions to the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society.


( Source: General Office of LICP )

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