Pan Feng Visited LICP

   On the afternoon of 11th June, vice-director of the Bureau of Comprehensive Planning, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Pan Feng, visited Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, together with persons in charge from the Division of Investment, Division of Budget, Division of Planning and Division of Asset Management and Institution. Vice-director of LICP, Xia Chungu introduced the development situation, history, disciplines, talent team, scientific and technological innovations, achievement transformation of LICP and so on to the visitors. Then with the accompany of the vice-director Xia Chungu, Pan Feng and others visited the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, State Key Laboratory for Oxo Synthesis and Selective Oxidation, Key Laboratory for Natural Medicine of Gansu Province and were acquainted with the key scientific research achievements of the Laboratories.

   During the visit, Pan Feng inquired the project application, key research fields of the Laboratories, innovative posts, dominant disciplines, industrialization and so on and had a deep discussion with the personnel concerned on the related matters.

   Assistant director Shi Yanping and persons in charge from the Division of Science and Technology, Division of Finance and General Office of LICP accompanied Pan Feng and others during the visit.

                                                                           15th June2009

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