Vice President of International Tribology Council Visited LICP

   From 28th June and 2nd July, the delegation from the University of Southampton, UK, led by Prof. Robert J. K. Wood, vice president of International Tribology Council and director of the National Center for Advanced Tribology at Southampton (nCATS), University of Southampton, participated in the 2009 UK-China Symposium and Summer School on Tribology and Surface Engineering and visited the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (LICP). Among the delegates were Prof. Frank Walsh, director of the Research Institute for Industry, University of Southampton, and 6 other researchers from the School of Engineering Sciences and National Center for Advanced Tribology, University of Southampton.
   Under the accompany of Prof. Liu Weimin, vice-director of the Tribology Institute of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, director of LICP and also director of the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, Prof. Robert J K Wood visited the exhibition room, State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication and R&D Center of Lubricating and Protecting Materials. Prof. Liu introduced the history, construction of platforms, talent team, particularly the scientific research achievements made in the research on solid lubrication of LICP to the guest. Prof. Robert J K Wood and other delegates delivered 9 special academic reports on nano-structured thin films/coatings, surface/interface of materials, self-lubricating materials and nanolubricating materials, wear and failure of materials, and nano/micro tribology. They had a deep discussion with Chinese researchers and young students in the field of tribology. To further enhance the exchange and cooperation between LICP and the University of Southampton in the field of tribology, Prof. Robert J K Wood was invited to be the Visiting Professor of LICP and awarded the Certificate as a Visiting Professor.
   Prof. Robert J K Wood said that, in recent years, China made remarkable achievements in the research on tribology and China’s research on tribology and surface engineering was influential worldwide and earned high remarks from China and abroad. As far as the research on tribology was concerned, the State Key Laboratory of LICP possessed quite advanced and mature research platforms and an efficient and highly unified research team. Since 2007 when nCATS and the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication established cooperative partnership, a good beginning was made in the aspects of international cooperation, application of projects, talent exchange and utilization of platforms. He hoped that both sides would further cooperation to make greater contributions to the basic research on tribology, development of high-tech industries, energy saving and consumption reducing through close cooperation.



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