LICP invents a technology of extracting total alkaloid extraction from Gansu whin

Researchers from the Key Laboratory of Chemistry of Northwestern Plant Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, have invented a preparation technology of extracting total alkaloid extraction from Gansu whin. They have received a Chinese invention patent for the technology on May 9.

The raw material of Gansu whins is first extracted by heating in water, condensed under a reduced pressure, acidified, and loaded on a cation column for ion exchange adsorption. Then water and alcohol solution containing water are used to flush the column which is later eluted by an alkaline alcohol solution. Finally alkaline alcohol eluate is collected, condensed, and dried to obtain the product.

The technology is simple and the preparation process is safe. And it is expected to be used in industrial production.

Gansu whin is widely distributed in Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Sichuan, Yunnan, etc. Studies on its biological active components show that its main biological active components are total alkaloid, namely swainsonine, thermopsine, sparteine, anagyrine, etc. This kind of alkaloid has the pharmacological effects of anti-cancer, anti-arrhythmia, anti-ulceration, raising leukocytes, etc. As the main alkaloid in Gansu whin, swainsonine can inhibit α-Manase, kill tumor cell and has the biphasic effect of immunoregulation. In recent years, it has attracted considerable attention as a new anticancer drug.

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