Prof. Xv Jianzhong in LICP

Prof. Xv Jianzhong, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, specialist in engineering thermophysics and professor of the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, CAS, visited the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS (LICP), on 28th, October, 2009. Prof. Xv visited the exhibition room, State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, pilot test manufacturing workshop of lubricating oil and additives and was acquainted with the basic conditions and S&T innovation of LICP. During the visit, Prof. Xv was accompanied by Wang Xueding, member of the presidium of Lanzhou Branch, CAS, Zhao Xiuru, secretary of the Party Committee of LICP, Prof. Wang Qihua, vice director of LICP. Prof. Xv mainly inspected the projects undertaken, S&T achievements accomplished and products developed by the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication in recent years while in LICP. Besides, he communicated with the related personnel about the project of the space test of solid lubricating materials in the application system of Shenzhou VII, research on lubricating oil for wind power and other work undertaken by LICP and put forward some valuable suggestions.


Prof. Xv Jianzhong said that, possessed with good S&T research platforms and talent team, LICP should make further use of the advantages in the research on special lubricating materials, strengthen the research on lubricating oil and additives for wind power equipment. With good results already achieved in the wind field test and operation examination of lubricating oil for wind power equipment, LICP should reinforce the cooperation with enterprises which were engaged in the design and manufacturing of wind power equipment, strive to solve the key techniques in the lubrication of wind power equipment, promote the application of the independently developed special lubricating oil in the design and manufacturing of wind power equipment, and eventually make LICP’s due contributions to the completely independent manufacturing and operation of wind power equipment in China.


Renewable energy, such as wind energy, solar energy, etc, is one of the major ways to sole the energy problems the world is now facing. Prof. Xv has been long engaged in the research on aerothermodynamics in turbomachine and other applied basic research. The wind turbine blade with the length of 38m and generation power of 2MW jointly developed by him and the companies is the longest wind turbine blade with the largest generation power independently developed in China up till now. Its performance can reach the level of the products developed abroad.


The related personnel from the General Office, S&T Department of Lanzhou Branch, S&T Department, General Office of LICP, accompanied Prof. Xv during his visit.

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