Holding of the 9th Youth Academic Forum of LICP

The 9th Youth Academic Forum of LICP was held in the Academic Hall of the Lihua Building on November 27, 2009. The Forum was chaired by Prof. Qi Yanxing, vice laboratory director of the National Engineering Research Center of Fine Petrochemical Intermediates, and attended by over 200 staff and postgraduate students.

Prof. Shi Feng,  was specially invited to deliver the report entitled “Application of alcohol in the clean synthesis of chemicals” which was warmly received by the audience. Then 10 staff and postgraduate students gave reports. Through 7 judges’ appraisal, 6 reports were evaluated as “Excellent Report”. The prizes were awarded to winners by Prof. Liu Weimin, Director of the LICP, Prof. Xia Chungu, Vice Director of the LICP and Zhao Xiuru, Secretary of CCP of the LICP.

The Forum provided young researchers with a good platform to present themselves and communicate with each other. Through the Forum, they have got to know the latest developments of different areas and their visions were expanded.


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