Diamond-like Carbon Based Thin Films Published by Science Press

Diamond-like Carbon Based Thin Films, authored by XUE Qunji, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and research fellow at Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and WANG Liping, research follow at LICP, was published by Science Press.

The book was financially supported by the National Publication Fund Project and is one of the series of books on nanoscience and technology. YAN Dongsheng, member of the CAS and CAE, was invited to write a preface to the book.

Book cover and back cover ofDiamond-like Carbon Based Thin Films

The book has about 910,000 Chinese characters and is divided into 9 chapters. It first introduces the definition, classification, preparation and application of diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films. Then, the research progress in the tribological properties, mechanical properties, chemical and thermal stability, photo-electro-magnetic functions, biological and biomedical properties of DLC thin films doped by different elements, carbon-based composite nano thin films with new structure were introduced. In addition, the ways to promote the properties of these films were put forward as well.

The book was compiled based on the research achievement made by the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication in DLC based thin films in the latest 10 years. The latest research achievements made by scholars in China and abroad were used as a reference too. It is hoped that this book can provide a comprehensive introduction to the research status in DLC based thin films in the last 40 years.

Copyright © Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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