Prof. ZHOU Feng Won S&T Award for Gansu Youth

  The presentation ceremony of the 7th Gansu Science & Technology Award for Youth was held recently. The Ceremony was organized by the Organization Department of CPC Gansu Provincial Committee, Human Resources and Social Security Department of Gansu Province and Gansu Association for Science and Technology. Prof. ZHOU Feng of the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP), CAS, won the S&T Award for Youth.

  Prof. ZHOU is currently the researcher and supervisor of doctoral students of LICP. He has worked in LICP since 2004 and then did cooperative research in University of Cambridge, UK. In 2008 he returned China from abroad and was appointed as the head of the surface and interface and their application research group.

  Prof. ZHOU is mainly engaged in the research on surface and interface engineering and their application. He has done a series of innovative basic research into energy materials, published many papers in journals with high impact factor and undertaken several national, provincial and ministerial level projects.

  The Gansu S&T Award for Youth was established jointly by the Organization Department of CPC Gansu Provincial Committee, Human Resources and Social Security Department of Gansu Province and Gansu Association for Science and Technology in 1995. It aims to honor and encourage the young scientific personnel who have made remarkable contributions to the economic development, social progress and sci-tech innovation of Gansu province.

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