LICP Held 2009 Summing-up and Commendation Conference

   The 2009 Summing-up and Commendation Conference of Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP), CAS, was held on February 10, 2010. During the conference, director LIU Weimin summarized the work of the Institute in 2009 and made the 2010 work arrangement. Vice director and secretary of CCP, ZHAO Xiuru introduced the main guidelines and decisions adopted during the 2010 working conference of the CAS. Some groups and individuals were awarded for their outstanding work in the past year by Prof. XUE Qunji, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and leaders of LICP.  

   The conference was presided over by vice director, XIA Chungu. Vice director WANG Qihua, assistant director SHI Yanping and more than 300 staff attended the conference.

   Director LIU Weimin summarized the work of 2009 from innovative work, management and party construction. In his summary report, he pointed out that in 2009, with the joint efforts of the faculty and postgraduates, progress has been achieved in project application, scientific research, patent application, thesis publication, awards, international and domestic exchanges, personnel recruiting and talents training, construction of research platforms, culture innovation, system innovation and so on. He hoped that in 2010, we should grasp the opportunities and face the challenges to make new achievements and more contributions to the society.

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