Dr. GONG Xiong with University of Akron Visits LICP

Dr. GONG Xiong with College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, the University of Akron, visited the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), on July 9. During his visit, he delivered a lecture entitled Towards high performance polymer solar cells.

In his lecture, he introduced the development history of solar cells technology, status quo of the development of polymer solar cells and his group’s work in improving the efficiency of polymer solar cells. They have developed solution-processed MoOx to substitute PEDOT:PSS in polymer solar cells, reengineered the interface for approaching high performance inverted polymer dsolar cells, minimized charge recombination in polymer solar cells and obtained more than 50% enhanced efficiency. 

Introduction to DR. GONG Xiong:


Dr. GONG Xiong is delivering a lecture.

Manager of Advanced Materials and Devices, Cbrite Inc. (2006-2010)

Guest Professor, South China University of Technology (2007-present)

Senior Scientist, Cbrite Inc. (2005-2006)

Postdoc, UC, Santa Barbara, with Professor Alan J. Heeger, (2001-2004)

Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship (1999-2000)

Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong (1997-1999)

Faculty, Department of Chemistry, Northwest Normal University (1986-1994)

Ph.D. Physics (Optics), Nankai University (1997)

M.S. Chemistry, Lanzhou University (1994)

B.S. Chemistry, Northwest Normal University (1986)

Selected Honors/Awards

3M Nontenured Faculty Award (2011)

Overseas Outstanding Chinese Youngest Scientist Awards, The National Science Foundation of China (2008)

K.C. Wong Education Foundation Fellow (2009)

Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship (1999)

Research Interests

Design, fabrication and characterization of organic/polymer electronic and optoelectronic devices (photovoltaic cells, white light light-emitting diodes and displays, thin film transistors, electrochemical cells and biosensors)

Chemistry and physics of semiconducting organic/polymeric materials

Chemistry and physics of inorganic quantum dots and nanoparticles

Chemistry, physics and applications of organometallic compounds

Materials characterization: optical and electrical properties

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