7th China-UK Tribology Symposium Held in Wuhan

The 7th China-UK Tribology Symposium was held in Wuhan from April 6 to April 8. The theme of the symposium was tribological issues in transportations. Around 60 people attended the symposium.

During the symposium, altogether 3 plenary reports, 14 invited reports and 12 young scholar reports were made. These reports showed the latest development in tribology in both China and UK. The symposium has promoted the cooperation and exchanges of the both sides in tribology.

The symposium was hosted by the Institute of Reliability Engineering of the Wuhan University of Technology, co-hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication at the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and national Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton (nCATS). The symposium is held once a year in China and UK alternately.

Prof. XUE Qunji, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the academic committee of the LICP is the honory chairman, Prof. YAN Xinping, vice president of the Wuhan University of Technology and vice director of the Tribology Institute of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, and Prof. LIU Weimin, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and vice director of the Tribology Institute of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society are the presidents of the symposium from the Chinese side, and Prof. Robert JK Wood, director of national Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton (nCATS) is the president of the symposium from the British side.

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