NBR based water-lubricated bearings have attracted tremendous attention with the dramatic oil leakage pollution of oil-lubricated bearings even the implementation of environmentally friendly and ecologically sustainable development strategies. In this paper, MoS2 and CF are used to reinforce NBR based IPNs composites. Results reveal that the damping factor of fillers/IPNs composites reaches to 0.75 and their effective damping temperature range accomplishes to 50.3 celcius. The minimum friction coefficient and wear rate are 0.033 and 3.09 x 10-5 mm3/ Nm respectively, which is decreased by 51 % and 68 % compared with original IPNs. This indicates that MoS2 and CF have a brilliant synergistic effect on improving damping and tribological properties of IPNs, which is attributed to the prominent dispersion of CF and its synergistic effect with MoS2. The knowledge obtained in this work will be promising for preparing water-lubricated bearings materials with excellent damping and tribological performances.
Published in TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,Volume167;10.1016/j.triboint.2021.107384,MAR 2022