Enhancing the mechanical strength while promoting the free migration of liquid lubricants within a solid-liquid composite coating is a pressing issue. In this study, inspired by the sweat glands' stimuli-responsive behavior, a lubricating coating was prepared by template-assisted method. The distribution of liquid lubricant was regulated by surfactant as template, which prevented the weakening of substrate mechanical strength from phase separation. The designed coating demonstrated a friction coefficient of 0.018 and a wear rate of 4.93 x 10-7 mm3 & sdot;N- 1 & sdot;m- 1. Subsequently, the evolution of the oil film structure at the friction interface was characterized insitu and the impact of oil distribution status on seepage mechanism was also elucidated. With exceptional lubrication and wear resistance, the prepared composite coating holds great potential for applications in engineering.

Published in TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,Volume189,10.1016/j.triboint.2023.109006;NOV 2023