Lecture: Fusion-related Plasma-Surface-Interaction and Materials Research at IPP Garching
Lecturer: Wolfgang, Jacob, Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics
Date: November 23
Time: 10:00
Place: Academic hall, 3rd Floor, Lihua Building
Introduction to Wolfgang JACOB : Wolfgang JACOB received his PhD in fundamental surface science in 1988. In the following he worked as a PostDoc in IPP Garching. In that time he started developing and diagnosing low-temperature plasma for studying plasma-surface-interaction processes. After 1 year PostDoc position at IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose (USA) he became a permanent staff member at IPP Garching. He continued investigating low-temperature plasmas and used them for deposition and erosion of amorphous, hydrogenated carbon films. Since 1993 he is group manager of the “Plasma-Material Interaction Group” in the E2M division of IPP. In recent years his research focusses on hydrogen retention in tungsten and RAFM steels, erosion of RAFM steels, and interaction of D and N with W.
Abstract of the lecture: The mission of the IPP is to conduct research in the area of high temperature plasma physics with the aim of establishing the physics base for a future fusion reactor and related technology. This comprises experimental and theoretical research in high temperature plasma physics as well as in related material questions. Plasma-Surface-Interaction processes and material-related Issues are investigated in the "Plasma Edge and Wall" division of IPP. The presentation will give a short overview over the IPP and then review some of the activities related to interaction of the hot fusion plasma with the surrounding walls and the corresponding material issues.