
   Centering around the national goal and scientific objectives and facing the competition home and abroad, the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences mainly carries out basic and innovative research and strategic and prospective high-tech research on resource chemistry, new materials and chemical biology and aims at the optimization of western resources. Through continuous effort, the Institute has become the influential “New high-tech innovative research base of resource chemistry and new materials in western China” with distinctive characteristics.

   The international scientific cooperation of the Institute is mainly carried out in the following three aspects: exchange of personnel, academic exchange and scientific cooperative project.

1 Exchange of personnel and academic exchange

   Since 1990, visitors to the Institute are more than 190 and about 228 people of the Institute have gone abroad for various purposes. On average, there are about 20 persons visiting the Institute or going abroad each year. People visiting the Institute come from nearly 20 countries and regions, including America, Japan, Britain, France, Germany, Australia, Russia, Poland, South Korea and Canada. The extensive exchange has greatly promoted the academic communication and cooperation of the Institute with developed countries and regions, enhanced the academic level of the Institute and raised the international position of the Institute.






2 Scientific cooperative projects

   During recent years, the Institute has shifted the focus of international scientific cooperation to the cooperation of S&T projects.

Copyright © Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address: No.18,Tianshui Middle Road,Lanzhou,P.R.China ZIP Code:730000 Tel: 86-0931-4968009 Fax: 86-0931-8277088